Akashi Meisei Blended Whisky 500ml
Japan | Japan
Here is a “Japanese” blended whisky from White Oak Distillery in Japan. The single malt component is probably distilled and matured at White Oak, while the grain component(s) are most likely imported into Japan.
The Akashi Meïsei Blended Whisky is composed of 45 % single malt, and it has been matured in American oak.
Nose: Less sweet and a little more oaky than the regular Akashi Blended Whisky. Darker as well. Chocolate and mild coffee notes. Toasted oak. Develops nicely in the glass.
Taste: Medium body and sweetness. A fine balance between sugary sweetness, spices and ripe summer fruits.
Finish: Medium to short finish. Added fruitiness now, and less sweetness. Dry towards the end. Not spicy at all, but just mellowing out.
Brand Name | White Oak Distillery |
Country | Japan |
Product Category | Whiskey |
Variety | Japan |
Pack Quantity | Single |
Size | 500ml |
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