Midleton Very Rare Irish Whiskey 2024 700ml
Since 1984, each Master Distiller of Midleton Very Rare uses their eye for detail, their passion for quality whiskey and their exemplary skill to create the pinnacle of Irish whiskey—their special vintage release.
The latest chapter of this renowned collection is adorned with the signature of Master Distiller, Kevin O’Gorman. After months of exploration, O’Gorman crafted a balanced blend of rare and hand-selected single pot still and single grain Irish whiskeys from Midleton’s exclusive inventory to create this truly special release.
Aroma: Richly scented vanilla with delightful floral and herbal notes to the fore, while aromas of orchard fruits gently build over time, adding ripe apple and sweet pear. The pot still spices, complemented by the nuanced American oak, add warming notes of cinnamon, clove and freshly mown hay that mingle with the delectable notes of toffee and heather honey.