Glendalough Double Barrel Irish Whiskey 700ml
Irish | Ireland
Upon its release, this whiskey won double gold at The World Spirits Competition in San Francisco. It really is an Irish whiskey that will make you think twice about Irish whiskey. A lovely, light and drinkable whiskey, it’s also complex with a depth of flavour beyond its years.
Aged twice in barrels from far sides of the world, the flavours are a game of two halves.
American oak Bourbon barrels bring sweet honey and smooth vanilla notes, laying down the foundations of the flavours. The Spanish oak Oloroso barrels layer on dried fruit, and nutty flavours.
Nose: Rich with dark fruit, cherry, raisin, fig and Christmas pudding. Floral notes with lemongrass, citrus and a touch of nutmeg.
Taste: Sweet and smooth, with butterscotch, honey and peppercorn, dried fruit, maraschino cherries and brown sugar.
Finish: Ginger spices a touch of almond and earthiness.
Brand Name | Glendalough |
Country | Ireland |
Product Category | Whiskey |
Variety | Irish |
Pack Quantity | Single |
Size | 700ml |