Old Rip Van Winkle 12 Year Old Special Reserve Bourbon Whiskey 750ml
American | Kentucky, America
Van Winkle Special Reserve is the perfect combination of age and proof. This sweet, full-bodied whiskey has been described by some as “nectar.” The 12 years of aging and medium proof seem to be just right in creating a very pleasant drink of whiskey. This fine bourbon can compete with any excellent cognac as an after-dinner drink. The overall impression is rich and deep.
See a brilliant, amber-orange color. Smell luscious, complex toffee. Taste a round, supple entry, leading to a dry, expansive, medium body. Enjoy notes of caramel, nuts, and brown spices with a lengthy, enveloping finish. It’s an outrageously smooth and decadent bourbon.
Brand Name | Old Rip Van Winkle |
Country | America |
Region | Kentucky |
Product Category | Whiskey |
Variety | American |
Pack Quantity | Single |
Size | 750ml |
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