Kah Blanco Tequila 750ml
KAH bottle design and spirits celebrate Dรญa de los Muertos (Day of the Dead), the 3,000 year-old Meso-American traditional holiday in remembrance of deceased loved ones.
The design of the KAH Blanco bottle is inspired by the Bolivian tradition of the Day of the Dead celebration in which actual skulls of loved ones are kept and brought out on November 8th of each year. After taking the skull to the cemetery, the skull is symbolically fed and given tequila, sometimes even cigarettes. Bolivians believe that this act immortalizes the dead who, in turn, help to protect the living from evil spirits.
While the bottle captures the enduring tradition, the Tequila inside of it is worthy of the celebration.
Initially sweet but quickly followed by peppery spice. Silky and delicate, a sachet of spices fans out on the palate.
KAH Tequila Blanco is a double distilled, un-aged Tequila made from 100% Blue Agave and bottled at 40% ABV (80 proof).