Ink Gin 700ml

New South Wales, Australia

Ink Gin is distilled with a blend of traditional, Australian and exotic ingredients. The flavour of juniper is complimented with native lemon myrtle, Tasmanian pepper berries and sweet orange. Ink’s crisp finish has undertones of coriander, cinnamon, cardamom, elderflower, oris and liquorice root.

Other less common ingredients include elderflower and the exotic bois bande, bark of the richeria grandis tree with its very subtle amaretto undertones.

The result is an unusual gin with a floral bouquet, citrus and peppery notes. The butterfly pea flower adds a subtle astringency leaving the palate crisp and clean allowing the unmistakable freshness of that quintessential Australian aromatic, lemon myrtle.

As well as contributing to Ink’s curious colour-changing properties, the delicate obscuration of the floral ink makes for smooth drinking. The flower’s subtle astringency leaves the palate crisp and clean, allowing the citrus and floral notes of the major botanicals a long, refreshing finish. Have fun experimenting with Ink Gin in your favourite cocktails, or drink neat or over ice.


Brand NameHusk Distillery
RegionNew South Wales
Product CategoryGin
Pack QuantitySingle


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