V2C Classic Dutch Dry Gin 700ml
Classic, like a story that gets better every time it’s told.
This handcrafted dry gin captures the rich spirit of lively conversation and good times with friends. Featuring the freshest juniper, orange, licorice, laurel and St John’s Wort, subtly spiced with coriander, cardamom, lemon and ginger, V2C Classic Dutch Dry Gin is a timeless taste that goes down smooth as a solo act or featured as the body of a complex cocktail.
V2C is born in Amsterdam but inspired by the world. Precision-crafted with the purest ingredients harvested from across the globe, this Dutch dry gin is perfect for raising a glass with friends and making the moment memorable.
Brand Name | V2C |
Country | Holland |
Product Category | Gin |
Pack Quantity | Single |
Size | 700ml |
In Stock