Monkey 47 Schwarzwald Sloe Gin 500ml
Once the sloe berries are harvested after the first frost, they are washed before macerating them in Monkey 47 Schwarzwald Dry Gin (at 47% alcohol). After several good stirs, the macerate is allowed to rest for four weeks, which lets the sediment settle to the bottom of the tank. The macerate is then drawn out from the top. A hydropress is also used to extract further liquid from the sediment without damaging the berries.
The results are filtered several times before being added back into the macerate. Water is then added to bring the alcohol content down to 29%. After that, it takes just six weeks for Monkey 47 Schwarzwald Sloe Gin to be ready to serve.
Brand Name | Monkey 47 |
Country | Germany |
Product Category | Gin |
Pack Quantity | Single |
Size | 500ml |
In Stock