Archie Rose Straight Dry Gin 700ml
Meet Straight Dry Gin, cold distilled with sustainably sourced local and Australian botanicals including lemon myrtle, reclaimed orange peel and pink peppercorn.
A complex nose with the evolving aromas of sappy pine, fresh thyme and lime zest. The aroma of freshly zested orange sits in the background with the faintest hint of waxy lemon.
The palate has great precision yet generosity with a strong juniper backbone that is complemented by charred lemon, pineapple and grapefruit.
A subtle floral character extends into the finish but is overcome by the pervasive juniper which pushes out into a long, dry and satisfying conclusion.
Brand Name | Archie Rose |
Country | Australia |
Product Category | Gin |
Pack Quantity | Single |
Size | 700ml |
In Stock