Puni Sole Italian Malt Whisky 700ml
Created from a blend of three malted grains: a barley base enriched with the addition of locally grown rye and wheat. This differs from previous Puni releases being matured for two years in first-fill Bourbon barrels, then finished for another two years in x Pedro Ximénez Sherry casks from Spain. “Sole” means “sun” in Italian, referencing the Sherry production process whereby PX grapes are dried under the sun, concentrating their sugars. The wine from these grapes is then barrel aged for many years via a method known as a Solera.
Tasting note: Brilliant gold. Dry and spicy, then almost floral-soft, the aromas hinting of dates, prunes, drinking chocolate and pepper with emerging fruitiness. Very attractive. Follows through with vibrant, semi-sweet, flavours offering suggestions of dates and bitter dark chocolate framed by warming spice. Concludes sweet but balanced with the PX input more salient through the final stages.
Brand Name | Puni |
Country | Italy |
Product Category | Whiskey |
Pack Quantity | Single |
Size | 700ml |
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