Rittenhouse Straight Rye Whiskey 100 Proof 700ml
American | America
Rittenhouse Straight Rye Whiskey has a storied past with a heritage that commemorates Philadelphia’s famous Rittenhouse Square. This award-winning whiskey carries a distinct, spicy flavor, and is produced in the tradition of the classic rye whiskeys that once dominated American whiskey.
Tasting Notes:
- Color: Mahogany
- Aroma: Dried fruits, toffee, and sweet peppers
- Taste: Clean, rich, cocoa, citrus, cinnamon, nutmeg and vanilla
- Finish: Lingering maple-like spiciness
Brand Name | Rittenhouse |
Country | America |
Product Category | Whiskey |
Variety | American |
Pack Quantity | Single |
Size | 700ml |
In Stock