Carpene Malvolti Grappa Riserva 700ml
Grappa is a unique and exclusively Italian spirit distilled from fresh wine grape pomace. Carpene Malvolti’s Grappa is a spirit obtained using only solid raw materials and is distilled in steam heated copper alembics (pot stills). The rigorous selection of the pomace to be used takes place in the finest zones of the Conegliano Veneto Hills. This ‘Riserva’ version has been aged in small oak casks.
Tasting notes… Very pale gold / straw colour. Moderate aromas are dried fruit dominant, becoming sultana like with exposure to air. Some pine wood like scents too. The palate is concentrated, medium dry with spicy raisin flavours finishing mildly sappy/woody. The spiciness persists into a fairly short, fresh, clean dry aftertaste. Easy drinking. 38% Alc./Vol.
Brand Name | Carpene Malvolti |
Country | Italy |
Product Category | Other Spirits |
Pack Quantity | Single |
Size | 700ml |