Dingle Gin 700ml
Dingle Original Gin is the product of a considerable amount of research, both technical and historical, and experimentation. The aim was to create a totally unique gin, one which worked within the great tradition of gin distilling but which also came with a degree of innovation.
In terms of its broad style, this is what is categorised as a London dry gin but the unique character and flavour come from the distiller’s painstaking and original choice of botanicals.
This combination of flavour elements are macerated in spirit for 24 hours. Then, when the spirit is distilled, it passes through a flavour basket in the neck of the still. This process underlines the attention to detail that is an essential part of Dingle Distillery’ whole approach to the art of distillation.
Amongst other botanicals, Dingle is made using rowan berry from the mountain ash trees, fuchsia, bog myrtle, hawthorn and heather for a taste of the Kerry landscape. It’s a formula unknown elsewhere and is calculated, amongst other things, to create the sense of place and provenance. The spirit is collected at 70% abv and then cut to 42.5% abv using the purest of water drawn from a well 240 feet below the distillery.
Dingle Original Gin is best served with large cubes of ice, a wedge of fresh orange and a sprinkling of juniper berries.
Brand Name | Dingle |
Country | Ireland |
Product Category | Gin |
Pack Quantity | Single |
Size | 700ml |